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Contact us

Thank you for visiting Allen Refrigeration for all your commercial refrigeration needs. To contact us by email, simply fill in the form below and click the "Submit" button. We will reply to your email within 4 hours of receiving it.

You may also contact us by phone at (937) 223-0240 from 8am to 4:30pm, eastern standard time (EST). If you are placing an order by phone, please have the part number or model number ready when you call us, along with you credit card information, to make the checkout process much quicker and easier.

Again ... thank you for visiting Allen Refrigeration!





Have questions about this item before buying? 

1. Call or email Allen Refrigeration. It's a good idea to do this before placing an order for any large refrigeration equipment. We are more than happy to assist you with finding what your needing or answering any technical questions you may have.

Refurbished Units: 

Beverage Air & True

 Contact Us #:

(937) 223-0240

FAX #:

(937) 223-3519

Email Address: 


2. Call or email our sales department.  (937) 223-0240 or customerservice@allenrefrigeration.com
 Worried about ordering online from us? Don't be!
1. Our checkout is protected by 256-Bit encryption.
2. We will never sell or trade your email address or other contact information.
3. If you are still uncomfortable about ordering online, you can still call in your order.


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